The Bend JOY Project 2018
The Bend JOY Project is a challenge, a conversation, an opportunity, an experiment and a mission to bring joy in meaningful ways to keep our community happy, strong and beautiful.
Why This? Why Now?
It feels like everyone is weary of anything but the best humans can offer. Heck, we’d settle for mediocre. How can we notice and build habits that make our community happy, welcoming and friendly? Like most ideas, the Bend Joy Project started small, wondering how we keep Bend kind. Conversations about a crazy kindness initiative kept getting bigger, as more people chimed in saying “I want to be part of that.” We need one another, so why not share joy in line at the supermarket, in your neighborhood, on the Parkway, on the trail? It’s pretty simple, and to our community it could be simply wonderful.
Design items include: share cards-set of 50, street pole banners, bumper stickers, posters, building banners, circle stickers, print ads, digital ads,
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